
Social Media for B2B Companies
As a B2B operation, using social media can seem both daunting and un-rewarding. What should...
A Traditional Marketing Piece Can Make A Difference
Staying on top of the latest industry trends is important in the marketing world, but...
Open New Doors with Creative Collaboration
TRINDGROUP’s approach to public relations, marketing and design is to immerse ourselves in your business....
The Importance of SEO
Thoughtful SEO is key to bringing the right visitors to your website. SEO, or Search...
Marine Design Team Celebrates First Birthday
A 3D model of one of our client's workboat before final rendering. September is an...
Meet the TRINDGROUP Team: Emily and Zoe
The TRINDGROUP team is made up of marketing, public relations and design experts, and we...
Making a Social Media Splash with a Hashtag Campaign
At TRINDGROUP, we believe there’s always a reason to celebrate. So, when we learned of...
Utilizing Motion Graphics to Demonstrate Intersection Safety
Intersections involve many moving pieces – cars, bicycles and pedestrians all following traffic lights, crosswalk...
TRINDGROUP’s True (College) Colors
College football season is right around the corner, and Auburn is abuzz with a tangible...
Using LinkedIn as a Sales Tool
LinkedIn is an information-rich network geared toward helping you by developing your professional identity, connecting you with colleagues and highlighting new business opportunities. It...
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